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Ward: Milford
Political Party: Conservative

07734 265752

Chair of the Salisbury Flood Working Group

Member of: Personnel Committee and Salisbury Flood Working Group.

View this Councillor's Register of Interest


Charles was born in Salisbury and has lived in the city for most of his life. After attending St Joseph’s Catholic School and Bishop Wordsworth’s Sixth Form, in 2014 he went up to Pembroke College, Oxford to read History and English, graduating with First Class Honours in 2017.

Charles is a marketer by trade, marketing products from insurance to laptop spares. He currently works for a software company dealing with critical systems in a range of industries, including financial services, medical devices and space.

While marketing is his main career path, Charles is not unfamiliar to politics. Having caught the politics ‘bug’ in 2010 after standing in a mock general election at St Joseph’s, he was pleased to be elected the Member of the UK Youth Parliament for East Wiltshire in 2013, during which time he campaigned on making bus fares more affordable for young people and encouraging local schools to pledge to provide better PSHE and Citizenship Education.

His goals as a newly elected Salisbury City Councillor are to work with stakeholders to reduce congestion in the city, promote the city’s green spaces, and work with colleagues to make Salisbury an attractive place to visit, live and work in.

Outside of marketing and politics, Charles enjoys photography and is always looking for new places to visit and explore with his Nikon D3300! He is also a keen walker, a history buff and a regular patron of pubs – naturally driving his passion to support our wonderful selection of pubs in Salisbury!