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1 June to
19 July

The Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan (SNDP) is being prepared at a time when the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan (February 2020) has been released. We undertook a call for sites where we asked local land owners to put their sites forward as allocations for development in the SNDP. Site allocation can offer many benefits to land owners and developers: an allocated site will have a streamlined planning process and should offer lower risk than an unallocated site.

The SNDP gathered evidence on local housing needs during that time. This criteria was be used by the Steering Group to assess the opportunities that individual sites may provide to meet local housing need. Sites that offer opportunities to improve Salisbury City for all its residents and allow new households to form will be particularly important to the SNDP and the Steering Group will seek to work closely with landowners to agree a comprehensive approach to site redevelopment.

We are also considering commercial land. If a case can be made that commercial sites are deliverable, the SNDP may contain policies to promote local employment.

The assessment criteria is set out in the Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan Methodology for Site Assessment and Allocation.

SNDP SG Site Allocation

People were invited to put a site forward for possible allocation by filling out an application form. Please complete one form per site. Because of Covid 19 restrictions, we would appreciate if submissions could be made electronically, but it will still be possible to post them.

  • Email Us:
  • Write to Us: Yaroslav Pustarnakov, Corporate Services Officer, Salisbury City Council, The Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury, SP1 1JH

If you have further questions, please email our planning consultant, Andrea Pellegram on