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Transport and

The Transport and Movement Topic group has the following two key policy aims.

  • To ensure that all members of the community including local businesses can have equal access to the built environment, particularly in the Central Area.
  • To ensure that residents of new strategic developments can travel into the Central Area without using their cars.

These policies will aim to result in an improvement in walking and cycling infrastructure and an increasing footfall in city centre which can hopefully achieved through rebalancing space to prioritise non-motorised movements and reductions in ‘through traffic’ using city centre as a rat run.

Reductions in city centre parking provision for commuters would help address underperforming bus Park & Ride and where possible shopper parking should be able to be accessed directly from main road network in a bid to improve air quality in the city centre.

In order to achieve these aims the Topic Group members will aim to work closely and positively with Wiltshire Council on both the ‘Transforming Accessibility in Salisbury’ and the Salisbury Recovery Projects (CAF, Malting Masterplan, Fisherton St Gateway and A36 congestion reduction).