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The rent reduction

The scheme is a rent or charge waived by Salisbury City Council to assist an organisation achieve a specific community service or support a community initiative.

We have 7 community organisations in 7 City Council properties across the city. See below for full details

Our rent reduction organisations provide a huge range of learning, social and sporting activities to residents young and old across the city. Each organisation reports to the Community Services team annually on their activity for community benefit, against the councils Community Priorities.

Click here to view the Rent Reductions Policy
Case study

23rd Salisbury Scouts

Operating from the scout hut on the Stratford Road 23rd Salisbury Scouts offer Beavers, Cubs Scouts and Explorer Scouts giving access to social, skills-based and outdoor activity for well over 100 young people ages 6 to 25.

Over the last few years the rent reduction granted to this group has enabled them to buy camping equipment which has enabled them to run shared camps and welcome many more children and young people to experience what is often their first trip independent of parents and to experience outdoor learning. The reduction also helps the scouts ensure that they are able to support members on lower incomes to attend camps and trips alongside their peers.

During the Pandemic the Rent Reduction ensured that the scouts were able to remain financially viable while putting members fees on pause, meaning that 23rd Salisbury Scouts is back to full strength in 2022.