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The Salisbury Place Partnership is an unincorporated voluntary partnership that pulls together the public and private sectors. Partnership members operate in a non-executive capacity, taking into account individual organisations decision-making processes. Partner organisations will be asked to align their resources and activity with the activities proposed by the pillar leads, but this remains a decision for individual organisations.
The Salisbury Place Partnership’s overall strategic purpose is to deliver a step change in the economic vitality of the city centre. The Partnership is advisory with a commitment of members to work together to shape and influence Salisbury going forward. We recognise that the Partnership will not be able to mandate independent bodies or members but will work together to find consensus in the development of priorities.
The Salisbury Place Partnership focusses on the following objectives:
- Managing the city centre to appeal to residents and visitors
- Developing the cultural offer through an updated Cultural Strategy and a programme that supports the Traditional Original positioning and is distinctive to Salisbury.
- Improving vibrancy within the city with the development of an offer that engages with the local community but also is strong enough to encourage regional and national visitors to the city centre
- Developing the city to enhance its appeal and ease of access for residents and visitors, as well as respond to environmental issues