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Introducing Salisbury’s Town Crier!

Jef Hutchby was chosen by the public at the Town Crier competition during Salisbury’s St. George’s Day event on Sunday 22nd April 2018. He is known by many as the Event Director for Salisbury’s Park Runs and is also a Police Officer within Wiltshire Police.

The Town Crier is engaged to make public announcements in the streets to inform the townspeople of the latest news, proclamations, bylaws and any other important information.

Booking the Town Crier for your event

He is now available to book for your event to provide introductions and announcements for a booking fee of £70.00 + VAT.

To do this, please download and complete the Town Crier’s Engagement Form and return to:

Corporate Services Department, Salisbury City Council, The Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury, SP1 1JH
Or email