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Sign up to be
a volunteer
To sign up to be a volunteer at our parks and open spaces using the online application form, click here
Alternatively, please download and complete the PDF application form here
Friends of Harnham
Slope Group
We support the work of the Friends of Harnham Slope group in maintaining and improving the stretch of woodland that runs behind Harnham Junior School and the nearby houses.
Friends of Middle
Street Meadow
Formed in 2015, this group helps maintain and care for Middle Street Meadow as well as contributing to long term maintenance plans.
Friends of
Victoria Park
Friends of Victoria Park are an active group of volunteers who meet on a regular basis. The tasks they carry out include weeding planning, planting, litter picking, highlighting issues with the Parks Dept, and proposing and implementing ideas for improving the park for the local community. They are always grateful for the new members.
Salisbury Wildlife
Salisbury Wildlife Group are a group of conservation volunteers who carry out a wide variety of practical tasks from coppicing to hedge planting, wildflower meadow and river bank maintenance to litter picks. They work with Salisbury City Council on their Lime Kiln Down, Avon Valley and some other sites and with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) on seven of their reserves in or within 10 miles of Salisbury.
Community Orchards
We have planted three Community Orchards – one at Bishopdown Green, one at Fisherton Recreation Ground and one at Lower Bemerton.
The Bishopdown Community Orchard has been designed to be user friendly and visually exciting – with varieties that have a stunning display of blossom as well as heavy, reliable crops.
The Fisherton Community Orchard has been designed to create an area for relaxing and picnicking amongst an interesting mix of twelve apple trees that are of UK heritage.
We are always looking for volunteers to help us look after our community orchards, so if you would like get involved, please contact us.