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Hire an Outside Space
Film in Salisbury
Outside Areas Map
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Public Toilets
Salisbury CCTV
Garages For Rent
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Book of Remembrance and Memorials
Crematorium Calendar
Avenue Cemetery
Devizes Road Cemetery
London Road Cemetery
Useful Resources
The Guildhall
Camping and Caravanning Club
What’s On in the City
What’s On
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About Your Council
Your Councillors
Mayor of Salisbury
Our Future
Neighbourhood Plan Referendum
Climate Change
The Salisbury Place Partnership
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Grants & Funding
Your Salisbury Pantry
Community Spaces
Community Development
Community Activities
Our City
What’s On
Event application forms
Parks and Open Spaces
Hire an Outdoor Space
Salisbury Information Centre
Services and Amenities
The Guildhall
Camping and Caravanning Club
What’s On in the City
What’s On
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Application Form to film within the City
Application Form to film within the City
Hire an Outside Space
Film in Salisbury
Outside Areas Map
Company/Organisation Name
Contact name
Telephone number
Filming Date(s)
Filming Times
Requested Areas of the City
Market Place
Guildhall Square
Churchill Gardens
Queen Elizabeth Gardens
Victoria Park
Hudson's Field
Wyndham Park Open Space
Harnham Recreation Ground
Middle Street Meadow
Bourne Hill Gardens
Ashley Road Open Space
Fisherton Recreation Ground
If you request another area of the city, please state here.
Reason for filming
Please be as detailed as possible, including expected number of stalls/what power is required, site plan etc.
Does your company/organisation have Public Liability?
NB We will require a copy of this with your application
Please attach your Public Liability Certificate.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Please confirm the amount of cover you have.
NB Salisbury City Council require a minimum of £5million
Do you have a Risk Assessment for the event?
NB We will require a draft copy of this with your application and a final one prior to your event
Please attach your Risk Assessment.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
NB As the hirer of the area(s) SCC will hold you accountable for all That are on site as part of your filming. This means you are responsible to obtain all of their risk assessment/public liability/indemnity/. They must be available for SCC to see when requested at any time.
Data Protection: Salisbury City Council will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone, or use the data for any other purpose incompatible with the purpose for which it was originally collected. We will only hold your information until the hire period has ended and full payment has been received whichever is the longest date.
I confirm that all of the above information is accurate and correct. I consent to the data being held as stated above. I confirm that I have completed the form to the best of my knowledge and agree and understand the “
Filming Terms and Conditions