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Application Form

Company Details

Description of Activity or Workshop


Do you require a gazebo?
(we will provide 1)
Do you require power?
What Supply do you require
Does the equipment have a current PAT test?

Required Documents

We require the following documents along with your application
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Please ensure this includes: Name of your insurer, Policy Number, Limit of indemnity and Policy Expiry date
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Upload a copy of your Risk Assessment here or complete the template at the end of the form if needed

Data Protection

Salisbury City Council will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone, or use the data for any other purpose incompatible with the purpose for which it was originally collected. We will only hold your information for as long as necessary for the purposes of contacting you with regards to the event and/or notifying you of any further Events/Markets we may organise.
I consent to my personal data being held for the purposes listed above(Required)
I would like to be kept up to date on any future opportunities to perform(Required)
(you can opt out of this at any time by emailing

Next of Kin

This is an optional section. These details are taken for use in emergencies, should you be involved in an accident, incident or taken ill whilst attending our Market/Event we will contact your next of kin.

Risk Assessment

If you have not already attached your Risk Assessment, please complete the form below.

Otherwise, please skip to 'submit' at the bottom of this page

A stall is a workplace covered by health and safety legislation. As the stallholder it is your responsibility to ensure that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is completed. Failure to do so could lead to delays or ultimately the closure of your stand. This template is for a simple stall which does not require any structural approval from the organiser. Before completing the form and for more information on managing risk visit If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 01722 342860


Any manual handling i.e. lifting heavy products during the build-up/breakdown
Working at height (using ladders)
Display of anything containing liquid fuel or flammable substances
Display of sharp objects
Demonstrations of any kind – i.e. Therapies, massaging
Food preparation/service of any kind other than sweets, snacks or soft drinks
Working machinery of any kind even if static
Using any electrical equipment of fittings
Any potential fire hazards
Selling of alcohol
Using your own gazebo

Please submit completed applications by Friday 9th May 2025