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Friday 13 May 2022
A new Mayor for Salisbury

Salisbury City Council is delighted to announce the election of Councillor Mr Tom Corbin as the 761st The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Salisbury.
The event on Saturday 14 May 2022, was attended by over 200 Civic Dignitaries including Mayors from neighbouring towns and cities, who witnessed the handover of the Mayoral Chain from Cllr Caroline Corbin to Cllr Tom Corbin.
Cllr Tom Corbin said, “In what is a first in Salisbury’s Mayoral history for the last year I have had the privilege and honour of serving the 760th Mayor of Salisbury as consort and as serving as Deputy Mayor. Now, as we hope we have seen the back of Covid I look forward as the Mayor of Salisbury with Caroline as my Mayoress to doing all we can to help promote Salisbury in a positive way as we look to the future and hopefully encourage tourism back into the City as Covid restrictions continue to decline and travel to and from foreign countries becomes more normalised.”
The Mayor’s Charity for 2022 – 2023 will be Children’s Chance whose philosophy is that no child is responsible for their financial welfare and that all children are equal and entitled to equal basic opportunity. The Mayor wants their profile to be raised to the point that most people in the local area are familiar with the Charity. The Mayor also requests local residents and businesses to consider how they can also help to raise the profile of Children’s Chance which covers a 30 mile radius from Salisbury Cathedral. Donations to Children’s Chance can be made by directly via: Sort Code 40-52-40 account number 00012853 CAF Bank Ltd.
The Mayor will be supported during his Mayoral Year by the Mayoress Cllr Caroline Corbin.
The Mayoral Scout will be Elliot from 3rd Salisbury Scouts and Mayoral Guide will be Lydia from 1st Winterbournes Guides, with Reserve Mayoral Guide Jess and Reserve Mayoral Scout Arthur.
The Deputy Mayor for 2022 – 2023 is Cllr Atiqul Hoque.