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Tuesday 09 April 2024
Celebrate St. George’s Day in Salisbury!
Join us as we celebrate England’s legendary patron Saint George in Salisbury Market Place! The event will take place on Sunday 28 April from 10am – 4pm and will be a great day out for all the family.
St. George’s Day is designed with family entertainment in mind and most activities are free to participate in. The day will take place outside and begins at 9.55am with a short procession of Salisbury City Councillors led by Mace Bearers and featuring the Salisbury Giant.
Visitors can then enjoy workshops, medieval re-enactments, street food, live music, Morris Dancing, face painting, a FREE Blue Badge Tour and more, throughout the day. The event will also include the following highlights:
9.55am – Salisbury Town Crier at the Guildhall steps
Listen out for Salisbury’s Town Crier who will be announcing the start of St. George’s Day before the beginning of the procession.
10.15am, 11.30am and 2pm – Mr Brown’s Pig Puppet Show
Join us at the puppet show to hear a magical story that will have you captivated from start to finish. Great fun for young and old alike.
10.30am, 12.15pm and 2.30pm – Morris Dancing
Come and see the Morris Dancers in the Main Arena on St George’s Day to put you in the celebratory mood as they dance in the style of the Cotswold Morris.
11am & 3pm – Medieval Re-enactments
Watch knights from medieval times display their impressive fighting skills in the Main Arena.
12pm – The Salisbury St. George Blue Badge FREE Guided Tour
Meet at the side of The Guildhall entrance steps for a wonderful tour of our historic city and find out facts about St. George hidden in Salisbury.
1pm – Knight School
Young people will get the chance to dress up and learn how to be the perfect knights for St. George’s Day in the Main Arena.