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Friday 12 May 2023
City Council Leaders met with Police and Crime Commissioner about anti-social behaviour in Salisbury
Salisbury will have 10 new police officers in place by September, City Council Leaders have been told.
Public safety is one of the administration’s top priorities, and last week they discussed their concerns about anti-social behaviour with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson.
At a meeting also attended by Chief Inspector Simon Cowdrey and Inspector Tina Osborn they highlighted the recent spate of incidents at Culver Street.
The police said they were unlikely to seek a full closure order for the car park. The City Council has asked to be kept in the loop as the force plans its response to the problems there with Wiltshire Council.
City Leaders will also be urging Wiltshire Council to reinstate a Public Space Protection Order around the city centre with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour.
The Councillors welcomed the news that Wiltshire is now rated the top force in the country for disrupting county lines drug gangs.
City Council Officers are working with the Salisbury Business Improvement District and other city partners to apply for Safer Streets funding when the next tranche of government money is released.
The Commissioner explained the force’s new streamlined command structure, and confirmed that as well as the extra officers, he is about to start recruiting more PCSOs. Negotiations about potential police station sites are ongoing and Mr Wilkinson stressed that he has not yet committed to any particular location.
Cllr Annie Riddle, a member of the city administration alongside Cllr Victoria Charleston and Cllr Ian Tomes, said: “We are delighted to hear about these extra officers.
“We take anti-social behaviour very seriously and are keen to play our part with partners in tackling it.
“This was a very constructive meeting. The Leaders have built a good understanding with the Commissioner through regular meetings in person, and it was helpful to have senior officers present on this occasion, too.”