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The SNDP has been in preparation since 2019 and has taken hundreds of volunteer hours from dedicated citizens and City Councillors. We are nearing the stage where we are ready to share our work with the public which involved the Regulation 14 consultation in late Spring 2022.

We have had many people tell us that they are concerned about Churchfields – the traffic it causes in the rest of the City, and the need to have a thriving business environment but also provide necessary housing, especially affordable housing, and hopefully, a relocation of some of the more difficult land uses such as the tip. Wiltshire Council has put forward proposals for Churchfields in the past and this is set out in Core Policy 20 which seeks to transform the area into a 1100 house residential scheme. However, this did not happen, and is now acknowledged as unlikely to happen.

We therefore tried something different. We prepared a masterplan that does not try to force businesses out, but if they wish to go and they leave land unused, we proposed limited housing that takes advantage of the spectacular natural features of the river and proximity to the station. If businesses want to stay and grow, we have set out urban design principles how this could be done to improve the environment.

We held a one hour online presentation and Q & A session to discuss this Masterplan on Wed 2 February at 0900 (please click here to open the meeting) and 1845 (please click here to open the meeting) hosted by the City Council via Teams. This meeting was recorded so you can watch again at a later time.

We want
to hear
from you...

We want to know whether you support our proposals and if you don’t, we want to know what we need to do to make them better. Send us your comments to