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Wednesday 22 March 2023
Parish Poll Date Announced
The City Council have been informed today by Wiltshire Council that the parish poll will take place on Thu 20 Apr 2023. The location of polling stations and other details are yet to be confirmed.
The poll question is “Do you support a 5% cap on future increases to the Salisbury City Council precept and a parish consultation if any proposed increase is larger than 5%?”
Wiltshire Council notes that as this is a parish poll the legislation is slightly different to election legislation, and the key differences are listed below for your information:
• Hours of poll: 4pm – 9pm, voters cannot be issued with a ballot paper outside of that timeframe.
• No provision for poll cards, postal voting or proxy voting – electors have to vote in person regardless of whether they are usually a postal voter or a proxy voter.
• The only person legally entitled to attend the count is the proposer.
• The only statutory notice is the Notice of Poll which has to be published no later than Thursday 13 April. The notice will legally include the proposers name and address as well as details on the poll and location of polling stations.
Once further details are confirmed by Wiltshire Council, this information too will be made available to the public by the City Council.
Questions about the conduct of the poll should be addressed to the Elections Team at Wiltshire Council.