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Council Meetings
Council meetings are open to all. Members of the public are very welcome and encouraged to attend meetings.
On 4 Apr 2020 the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 which allows local councils to meet remotely were agreed. These regulations apply to meetings held before 7 May 2021.
The Council is pleased to announce that with immediate effect the City Council’s Full Council meeting and Committee meetings will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams.
These meetings are open to the public and press to attend, and those attending the meeting shall be informed that they may be recorded.
For details on how to attend a council meeting, please read these instructions. If you need further information, please call 01722 342860 or email
Lower Bemerton Trust AGM
Monday 7 September 2020
Location: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Annie Child, City Clerk