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Tuesday 04 July 2023
The City Council’s grass cutting and other activity
At a meeting of its Full Council on Mon 26 Jun 2023, Cllr Annie Riddle, on behalf of the Leaders of the Council, gave an update on recent Council activity. This included the Council’s delight in seeing the beautiful Churchill Gardens used to such good effect as a backdrop for Wiltshire Creative’s stunning production of The Tempest. The City Council’s own events were also celebrated from the Coronation weekend to the recent Motor Show. She also spoke about the challenge of grass cutting following ideal spring grass growing conditions. The Council has provided an FAQ on grass cutting on its website – click here to find out more.
Further details of the Council’s activity were provided in a report showing progress over the last year to achieve the aims of the Council’s Strategic Plan. There are 5 key themes in the plan; A Green City, A Lively City, Your Voice Heard, Wellbeing, Looking to the Future and a Well-Run Council. The report showed how progress has been made over all these areas.
Cllr John Wells, who chairs the Council’s Environment and Climate Change Committee, said “The report reflects a tremendous of amount focussed work by the Council over the last year, and we look forward seeing reaching more of our aims over the next year”.
The full report is available on the City Council’s website here and the Council’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025 is available here.