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Council Meetings
Council meetings are open to all. Members of the public are very welcome and encouraged to attend meetings.
Extraordinary Full Council
Monday 18 December 2023, 18:00 – 18:30
Location: Guildhall
Contact: Corporate Services Manager, Janine Whitty
Agenda Item 9. NDP Regulation 15 Report 9.1 - SNDP - Part 1 9.1 - SNDP - Part 2 9.1 - SNDP - Part 3 9.2 - A.1 - The Salisbury Design and Advertising Guide. 9.2 - A.2 - The Salisbury Design and Advertising Guide. 9.2 - B - The Churchfields Masterplan 9.3- A - Regulation 14 Draft Part 2 of the SNDP 9.3 - B - Strategic Environmental Assessment 9.3 - C - Salisbury Housing Needs Assessment 9.3 - D - Community Survey Report 9.3 - E - SNDP Community Infrastructure Report 9.3 - F - Lets Talk About Housing 9.3 - G - Salisbury Profile 9.4 - The Basic Conditions Statement 9.5 - Part 1 - Regulation 15 Consultation 9.5 - Part 2 - Regulation 15 Consultation 9.5 - Part 3 - Regulation 15 Consultation 9.5 - Part 4 - Regulation 15 Consultation Item 10. Arbuthnot Latham & Co change to mandate Report Minutes